details: 'OMG BLIGHT Teelos perspective (ghetto bear_and vs Teelo pies)'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
UndeadSmarticalSwords (yellow | 34 APM | 1496 actions | 44:22)
Hero icon 9 Crypt Lord
Ability icon 3 Carrion Beetles
Ability icon 3 Spiked Carapace
Ability icon 1 Locust Swarm
Ability icon 2 Impale
Hero icon 1 Death Knight
Ability icon 1 Death Coil

» actions
Assign group hotkey28
Basic commands132
Build / train110
Enter build submenu56
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue4
Right click388
Select / deselect299
Select group hotkey385
Use ability82
1496 total
» units
Crypt Fiend13
Frost Wyrm11
46 total
» upgrades
Unholy Strength1
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace3
Freezing Breath1
Exhume Corpses0
Disease Cloud0
Skeletal Mastery1
Skeletal Longevity1
Banshee Training2
14 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics3
Nerubian Tower10
Halls of the Dead2
Spirit Tower13
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
Temple of the Damned1
74 total
» build order
00:10 Crypt
00:14 Altar of Darkness
00:28 Ziggurat
01:03 Graveyard
01:08 Graveyard
01:16 Tomb of Relics
02:12 Ziggurat
02:23 Nerubian Tower
04:22 Halls of the Dead
05:07 Ziggurat
05:25 Spirit Tower
06:52 Black Citadel
08:28 Ziggurat
09:24 Sacrificial Pit
09:48 Ziggurat
10:03 Necropolis
11:07 Boneyard
11:15 Graveyard
14:48 Ziggurat
14:51 Ziggurat
14:55 Ziggurat
14:58 Ziggurat
18:24 Nerubian Tower
18:25 Spirit Tower
18:27 Nerubian Tower
18:28 Spirit Tower
18:30 Nerubian Tower
18:32 Spirit Tower
20:33 Spirit Tower
21:35 Temple of the Damned
21:41 Slaughterhouse
22:43 Ziggurat
22:45 Ziggurat
22:46 Ziggurat
22:48 Ziggurat
22:50 Ziggurat
24:58 Ziggurat
24:59 Ziggurat
25:00 Ziggurat
25:01 Ziggurat
25:03 Halls of the Dead
26:28 Necropolis
28:05 Spirit Tower
28:06 Nerubian Tower
28:08 Nerubian Tower
28:09 Spirit Tower
28:55 Ziggurat
28:56 Ziggurat
28:57 Ziggurat
30:51 Tomb of Relics
30:55 Ziggurat
30:57 Ziggurat
30:58 Ziggurat
31:00 Ziggurat
31:40 Spirit Tower
32:16 Necropolis
32:46 Spirit Tower
33:11 Spirit Tower
33:16 Nerubian Tower
33:55 Spirit Tower
36:31 Ziggurat
36:32 Ziggurat
36:33 Ziggurat
36:34 Ziggurat
36:35 Ziggurat
36:42 Tomb of Relics
37:48 Spirit Tower
37:50 Nerubian Tower
37:54 Spirit Tower
37:56 Nerubian Tower
37:57 Nerubian Tower
43:31 Necropolis
44:16 Ziggurat
44:20 Ziggurat
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
Dust of Appearance1
Scroll of Town Portal2
Orb of Corruption1
5 total
UndeadBlight_Town (pink | 97 APM | 4312 actions | 44:22)
Hero icon 6 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Ability icon 1 Animate Dead

» actions
Assign group hotkey219
Basic commands252
Build / train55
ESC pressed5
Enter build submenu116
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item2
Right click2511
Select / deselect734
Select group hotkey233
Use ability178
4312 total
» units
Goblin Zeppelin3
31 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack1
Creature Carapace1
2 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness11
Tomb of Relics10
Nerubian Tower2
Spirit Tower3
Halls of the Dead1
Sacrificial Pit2
Black Citadel1
118 total
» build order
00:26 Crypt
00:30 Altar of Darkness
00:33 Ziggurat
01:33 Necropolis
01:51 Graveyard
02:06 Tomb of Relics
02:49 Necropolis
03:17 Altar of Darkness
03:33 Tomb of Relics
04:05 Ziggurat
05:04 Necropolis
06:36 Nerubian Tower
06:46 Ziggurat
06:46 Ziggurat
06:52 Tomb of Relics
07:29 Ziggurat
07:30 Ziggurat
08:37 Ziggurat
08:38 Ziggurat
08:56 Spirit Tower
09:15 Necropolis
09:52 Ziggurat
09:54 Altar of Darkness
09:56 Tomb of Relics
09:56 Ziggurat
10:11 Ziggurat
10:34 Tomb of Relics
10:37 Graveyard
11:20 Spirit Tower
11:21 Nerubian Tower
12:05 Tomb of Relics
14:13 Halls of the Dead
15:14 Ziggurat
15:15 Ziggurat
15:45 Necropolis
15:54 Ziggurat
15:55 Ziggurat
15:56 Necropolis
17:00 Spirit Tower
17:39 Crypt
17:40 Altar of Darkness
17:41 Ziggurat
18:03 Ziggurat
18:05 Ziggurat
18:07 Crypt
18:23 Tomb of Relics
18:24 Ziggurat
18:29 Altar of Darkness
18:31 Necropolis
18:33 Ziggurat
18:46 Ziggurat
18:47 Ziggurat
19:16 Ziggurat
19:17 Altar of Darkness
19:30 Ziggurat
19:32 Altar of Darkness
19:54 Ziggurat
20:00 Tomb of Relics
20:07 Ziggurat
20:11 Altar of Darkness
20:46 Ziggurat
21:15 Ziggurat
21:15 Ziggurat
21:16 Crypt
21:17 Altar of Darkness
21:19 Sacrificial Pit
21:19 Sacrificial Pit
21:22 Graveyard
21:25 Ziggurat
21:27 Graveyard
21:28 Ziggurat
21:28 Ziggurat
22:17 Necropolis
22:20 Necropolis
22:25 Ziggurat
22:26 Ziggurat
22:38 Ziggurat
22:39 Ziggurat
23:42 Ziggurat
23:43 Ziggurat
24:26 Ziggurat
24:26 Ziggurat
24:26 Ziggurat
24:27 Ziggurat
25:07 Necropolis
28:28 Crypt
28:29 Altar of Darkness
28:30 Ziggurat
28:31 Ziggurat
28:32 Tomb of Relics
28:33 Crypt
29:09 Black Citadel
30:17 Ziggurat
30:18 Crypt
30:20 Altar of Darkness
30:21 Tomb of Relics
30:21 Ziggurat
30:23 Ziggurat
37:17 Necropolis
37:18 Necropolis
37:24 Ziggurat
37:25 Ziggurat
37:27 Ziggurat
37:27 Ziggurat
39:17 Necropolis
39:19 Necropolis
39:59 Necropolis
40:03 Necropolis
40:10 Ziggurat
40:10 Ziggurat
41:35 Ziggurat
41:40 Ziggurat
41:41 Ziggurat
41:43 Necropolis
43:00 Ziggurat
43:01 Ziggurat
43:08 Ziggurat
43:09 Ziggurat
» items
Rod of Necromancy3
Orb of Corruption2
Scroll of Healing1
Scroll of Town Portal1
7 total
UndeadSMELLTHEGROUND (green | 50 APM | 2210 actions | 44:22)
Hero icon 3 Goblin Alchemist
Ability icon 2 Chemical Rage
Ability icon 1 Acid Bomb

» actions
Assign group hotkey25
Basic commands96
Build / train50
Enter build submenu46
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Right click1379
Select / deselect343
Select group hotkey176
Use ability91
2210 total
» units
Crypt Fiend3
39 total
» upgrades
Unholy Strength1
1 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Nerubian Tower1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead1
Spirit Tower1
35 total
» build order
00:09 Altar of Darkness
00:16 Graveyard
00:43 Ziggurat
00:56 Crypt
02:20 Nerubian Tower
02:50 Necropolis
03:35 Necropolis
03:38 Necropolis
03:40 Necropolis
03:56 Necropolis
04:46 Necropolis
04:53 Necropolis
05:00 Necropolis
05:22 Necropolis
06:44 Necropolis
06:46 Necropolis
12:37 Tomb of Relics
14:04 Necropolis
14:11 Necropolis
14:13 Necropolis
14:15 Necropolis
14:19 Halls of the Dead
14:25 Ziggurat
21:17 Spirit Tower
21:44 Necropolis
21:52 Necropolis
22:14 Slaughterhouse
22:23 Necropolis
23:40 Necropolis
23:51 Necropolis
24:01 Necropolis
24:03 Necropolis
24:06 Necropolis
27:17 Necropolis
27:21 Necropolis
» items
Dust of Appearance1
Potion of Healing1
2 total
Random» Humanpink_commandIII (blue | 42 APM | 1868 actions | 44:22)
Hero icon 5 Mountain King
Ability icon 3 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 2 Bash
Hero icon 4 Paladin
Ability icon 2 Holy Light
Ability icon 2 Devotion Aura
Hero icon 2 Archmage
Ability icon 1 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Blizzard

» actions
Assign group hotkey23
Basic commands97
Build / train85
Enter build submenu30
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Remove unit from queue1
Right click800
Select / deselect410
Select group hotkey323
Use ability88
1868 total
» units
Goblin Shredder1
Gryphon Rider8
40 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting1
Storm Hammers1
Sorceress Training2
Priest Training2
Magic Sentry1
Animal War Training1
16 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower12
Arcane Tower2
Town Hall2
Guard Tower6
Gryphon Aviary3
Arcane Sanctum2
50 total
» build order
00:16 Altar of Kings
00:23 Barracks
00:52 Farm
01:22 Lumber Mill
01:32 Farm
02:11 Farm
02:14 Scout Tower
02:23 Barracks
02:31 Farm
02:43 Arcane Tower
03:32 Farm
04:04 Farm
04:14 Blacksmith
05:22 Town Hall
05:29 Keep
07:57 Scout Tower
07:59 Scout Tower
08:01 Scout Tower
08:04 Scout Tower
08:25 Guard Tower
09:32 Castle
10:17 Scout Tower
10:18 Scout Tower
10:19 Scout Tower
10:19 Scout Tower
10:41 Gryphon Aviary
10:43 Gryphon Aviary
10:45 Gryphon Aviary
10:48 Blacksmith
10:57 Arcane Tower
11:10 Farm
11:12 Farm
11:13 Farm
11:14 Farm
11:24 Blacksmith
11:31 Guard Tower
11:36 Guard Tower
12:09 Farm
12:11 Farm
12:12 Farm
12:13 Farm
12:17 Arcane Sanctum
12:19 Arcane Sanctum
12:25 Guard Tower
29:57 Town Hall
31:47 Scout Tower
31:48 Scout Tower
31:48 Scout Tower
32:28 Guard Tower
33:18 Guard Tower
» items
Scroll of Town Portal2
Potion of Healing2
4 total
team 2
Orcdethknight (orange | 28 APM | 1207 actions | 43:14)
Hero icon 4 Far Seer
Ability icon 2 Feral Spirit
Ability icon 2 Chain Lighting
Hero icon 3 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 2 Healing Wave
Ability icon 1 Serpent Ward
Hero icon 1 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 1 War Stomp

» actions
Assign group hotkey9
Basic commands3
Build / train64
Enter build submenu18
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Remove unit from queue1
Right click601
Select / deselect410
Select group hotkey19
Use ability73
1207 total
» units
Wind Rider24
40 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons3
Melee Weapons2
Envenomed Spears1
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow8
War Mill1
Watch Tower2
Great Hall1
18 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Storms
00:16 Orc Burrow
01:11 War Mill
01:25 Orc Burrow
02:37 Stronghold
02:53 Watch Tower
03:09 Watch Tower
03:15 Orc Burrow
03:39 Barracks
05:00 Beastiary
05:09 Beastiary
06:02 Orc Burrow
07:49 Great Hall
12:10 Fortress
12:16 Orc Burrow
12:54 Orc Burrow
13:22 Orc Burrow
14:32 Orc Burrow
OrcAchille (purple | 43 APM | 1146 actions | 26:57)
Hero icon 5 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Hero icon 2 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 1 Hex
Ability icon 1 Healing Wave

» actions
Assign group hotkey25
Basic commands90
Build / train77
Enter build submenu12
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Remove unit from queue4
Right click510
Select / deselect270
Select group hotkey49
Use ability101
1146 total
» units
Troll Headhunter/Berserker14
Troll Witch Doctor5
Troll Batrider4
36 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons3
Witch Doctor Training2
Shaman Training2
Berserker Upgrade1
Troll Regeneration1
11 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow7
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Spirit Lodge2
18 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Storms
00:16 Orc Burrow
00:32 Voodoo Lounge
01:31 Barracks
01:56 Orc Burrow
02:03 Barracks
02:27 War Mill
03:39 Stronghold
05:42 Orc Burrow
05:51 Orc Burrow
06:28 Fortress
06:50 Spirit Lodge
06:51 Spirit Lodge
10:12 Orc Burrow
10:12 Orc Burrow
10:13 Orc Burrow
20:36 Beastiary
20:41 Beastiary
» items
Healing Salve2
Lesser Clarity Potion4
Scroll of Speed2
Scroll of Town Portal3
Potion of Healing1
12 total
UndeadOoootacoooonn (teal | 44 APM | 1943 actions | 44:22)
Hero icon 4 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 2 Breath of Fire
Ability icon 2 Drunken Haze

» actions
Assign group hotkey13
Basic commands27
Build / train63
ESC pressed4
Enter build submenu61
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Give item / drop item1
Right click854
Select / deselect437
Select group hotkey375
Use ability104
1943 total
» units
Goblin Sapper8
Obsidian Statue2
34 total
» upgrades
Destroyer Form1
Creature Attack1
2 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics3
Halls of the Dead5
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
54 total
» build order
00:11 Necropolis
00:18 Necropolis
01:13 Necropolis
01:22 Altar of Darkness
01:37 Necropolis
02:10 Necropolis
02:22 Crypt
02:27 Crypt
03:43 Necropolis
03:59 Tomb of Relics
04:00 Halls of the Dead
04:43 Necropolis
05:08 Tomb of Relics
05:24 Necropolis
05:53 Necropolis
06:47 Black Citadel
06:52 Sacrificial Pit
07:40 Necropolis
08:00 Necropolis
08:02 Necropolis
08:03 Necropolis
09:25 Necropolis
11:13 Necropolis
11:14 Necropolis
11:15 Necropolis
11:16 Necropolis
12:35 Necropolis
12:36 Necropolis
12:37 Necropolis
12:39 Necropolis
14:23 Necropolis
14:27 Necropolis
14:34 Necropolis
15:29 Halls of the Dead
15:56 Halls of the Dead
16:33 Necropolis
16:34 Necropolis
16:35 Necropolis
17:42 Halls of the Dead
18:40 Necropolis
18:47 Necropolis
19:01 Necropolis
19:03 Necropolis
20:31 Necropolis
21:18 Halls of the Dead
30:24 Necropolis
30:27 Necropolis
30:30 Necropolis
30:57 Graveyard
31:42 Tomb of Relics
34:12 Graveyard
35:41 Slaughterhouse
35:41 Slaughterhouse
41:47 Graveyard
» items
Dust of Appearance1
Potion of Healing10
Potion of Mana3
Orb of Corruption1
Scroll of Town Portal1
16 total
UndeadBLIGHTTOWN (red | 41 APM | 1840 actions | 44:22)
Hero icon 2 Goblin Tinker
Ability icon 1 Pocket Factory
Ability icon 1 Engineering Upgrade

» actions
Assign group hotkey29
Basic commands13
Build / train23
ESC pressed6
Enter build submenu95
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Right click1141
Select / deselect172
Select group hotkey250
Use ability109
1840 total
» units
Ice Troll Trapper1
13 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness5
Nerubian Tower2
Halls of the Dead3
Spirit Tower2
Sacrificial Pit1
Tomb of Relics3
88 total
» build order
00:06 Ziggurat
00:08 Altar of Darkness
01:00 Necropolis
01:11 Nerubian Tower
01:27 Necropolis
03:21 Necropolis
03:30 Necropolis
03:45 Necropolis
03:55 Necropolis
04:12 Necropolis
04:32 Necropolis
04:43 Necropolis
04:52 Halls of the Dead
05:19 Necropolis
05:45 Necropolis
06:09 Necropolis
07:03 Necropolis
07:13 Necropolis
07:44 Necropolis
07:56 Necropolis
08:47 Necropolis
08:56 Necropolis
09:07 Necropolis
09:40 Necropolis
10:23 Necropolis
10:44 Necropolis
10:53 Halls of the Dead
11:33 Necropolis
11:46 Necropolis
12:03 Necropolis
12:44 Necropolis
12:58 Necropolis
13:11 Necropolis
13:15 Necropolis
14:18 Necropolis
15:16 Necropolis
15:26 Necropolis
15:36 Necropolis
15:42 Necropolis
15:46 Necropolis
15:48 Necropolis
17:12 Ziggurat
17:13 Ziggurat
17:15 Ziggurat
17:33 Ziggurat
18:18 Graveyard
18:21 Nerubian Tower
19:14 Ziggurat
19:51 Spirit Tower
20:56 Spirit Tower
21:30 Ziggurat
22:34 Necropolis
22:38 Sacrificial Pit
22:48 Necropolis
23:00 Necropolis
23:24 Necropolis
24:09 Necropolis
25:20 Tomb of Relics
25:36 Ziggurat
25:42 Slaughterhouse
26:15 Necropolis
27:09 Necropolis
29:05 Necropolis
29:12 Necropolis
29:21 Necropolis
29:29 Necropolis
29:38 Necropolis
30:10 Altar of Darkness
30:42 Ziggurat
31:09 Altar of Darkness
31:29 Necropolis
31:34 Graveyard
31:43 Crypt
32:13 Altar of Darkness
32:17 Ziggurat
32:41 Tomb of Relics
33:37 Tomb of Relics
33:58 Ziggurat
34:10 Crypt
34:19 Graveyard
34:28 Necropolis
36:45 Altar of Darkness
38:14 Crypt
38:50 Necropolis
39:35 Necropolis
39:45 Necropolis

Chat log

(00:09 / All) Blight_Town: Let's play a game.
(00:24 / All) SMELLTHEGROUND: hello 2 all boys!
(00:34 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: i'm gonna say 10
(00:35 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: well
(00:38 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: this is lord
(00:40 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: so 15
(00:42 / Allies) Achille: rush for win?
(00:51 / Allies) BLIGHTTOWN: better say that in all
(01:34 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: I built seven
(01:34 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: lol
(01:54 / All) Ooootacoooonn: pink=ghetto?
(01:59 / All) SMELLTHEGROUND: rude
(01:59 / All) Blight_Town: Reported.
(02:01 / All) Ooootacoooonn: ok
(02:05 / All) Ooootacoooonn: just checkin
(02:51 / All) BLIGHTTOWN: have you guys muted me
(02:56 / All) Blight_Town: no
(03:02 / All) BLIGHTTOWN: ugh what
(03:09 / Allies) Achille: feed me ?

(04:09 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: Hi orange.
(04:22 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: pinged me
(04:23 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: lol

(06:03 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: let's go orange
(06:05 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: creep dis shiiiit
(06:11 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: dog
(07:07 / All) Blight_Town: purple
(07:10 / All) Blight_Town: why are you so bad at this
(07:11 / All) Blight_Town: seriously
(07:30 / All) Ooootacoooonn: lol blue
(07:32 / All) Ooootacoooonn: teamkill
(07:33 / All) Ooootacoooonn: hahaha
(07:47 / All) SMELLTHEGROUND: blue tk
(08:00 / All) SmarticalSwords: i would too
(08:03 / All) Blight_Town: purple
(08:04 / All) Blight_Town: why
(08:04 / All) Blight_Town: the
(08:05 / All) Blight_Town: fuck

(13:20 / All) Blight_Town: purple
(13:25 / All) Achille: ya?
(13:26 / All) Blight_Town: let me ask you a question
(13:28 / All) Blight_Town: what value do you get
(13:31 / All) Blight_Town: from attacking that necropolis
(13:34 / All) Blight_Town: how does that help you win the game
(13:37 / All) Achille: nothing see i am healing
(13:45 / All) Blight_Town: you are completely giving away your position on the map
(13:46 / All) Ooootacoooonn: He has pillage on his bm
(14:08 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: blue has gryphp
(14:24 / All) Blight_Town: orange
(14:25 / All) Blight_Town: stop
(15:08 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: I can't even beat night elf x5 on hard

(17:26 / Allies) BLIGHTTOWN: going to protect you orange
(17:27 / Allies) BLIGHTTOWN: dont worry

(19:36 / Allies) Achille: out
(19:37 / Allies) Achille: out
(19:51 / All) Blight_Town: how are you all so bad at this
(19:53 / Allies) Achille: use bat

(20:55 / Allies) dethknight: wtf
(21:17 / Allies) BLIGHTTOWN: whats wrong orange?
(21:28 / Allies) BLIGHTTOWN: what about it
(21:33 / All) SMELLTHEGROUND: hey sorry every1 i'm back
(21:36 / All) SMELLTHEGROUND: whats the plan
(21:40 / Allies) BLIGHTTOWN: the enemy came and blew it up with sappers
(21:41 / Allies) BLIGHTTOWN: sorry
(21:45 / All) SmarticalSwords: lol

(23:01 / All) Blight_Town: blue
(23:05 / All) Blight_Town: whose team are you on
(23:42 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: hey purp or oj
(23:45 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: can you pass gold please
(23:48 / Allies) Ooootacoooonn: i gotta revive
(24:11 / All) Blight_Town: purple
(24:11 / All) Blight_Town: orange
(24:12 / All) Blight_Town: stop
(24:14 / All) Blight_Town: or i report

(25:34 / All) Blight_Town: youmad.jpg

(30:14 / All) SmarticalSwords: you better hope i don't make it in time
(30:49 / All) Blight_Town: blue
(30:51 / All) Blight_Town: stop teamkilling

(33:29 / All) Blight_Town: hey blue
(33:33 / All) Blight_Town: what's your favorite day of the week
(33:44 / All) Blight_Town: it's NOOBSDAY

(35:00 / Allies) dethknight: i need gold
(35:36 / All) Blight_Town: blue
(35:38 / All) Blight_Town: have you looked at the map this game
(35:48 / All) Blight_Town: does this look like a real game to you
(35:50 / Allies) dethknight: 100 more

(37:03 / Allies) dethknight: gold plz

(38:06 / All) pink_commandIII: are you guys smoking something?
(38:09 / All) SMELLTHEGROUND: i sure am........,king of Blight
(38:20 / All) Blight_Town: IN DARK SOULS
(38:27 / All) SmarticalSwords: oh
(38:32 / All) SmarticalSwords: that's what that was
(39:13 / All) SmarticalSwords: the only way to win
(39:16 / Allies) dethknight: gold plz
(39:21 / All) SmarticalSwords: is to deplete the maps resources
(39:30 / All) SmarticalSwords: good luck
(39:53 / All) SMELLTHEGROUND: extreme.

(44:09 / All) Blight_Town: YEAH JUST TO LET YOU KNOW BLUE
(44:12 / All) Blight_Town: I DON'T WANT TO GIVE YOU A LOSS
(44:19 / All) Blight_Town: SAME FOR YELLOW